
Love is a verb

 I wish you'd know how close you are to my heart or how you and my thoughts never part. Or how you made me realize that love is one beautiful art. To explain this feeling, how do I even start? I'd start right from the beginning, but I can't remember when I fell in love with you.  All I know is that it was instant, and it made me feel like an infant. I see your calls, I get excited because it fires me up on my inside. I hear your voice and my heart jumps.  You show you love me and the harder it pumps. Anytime I think of you, I get a tingling sensation. Love is all I have for you, I'd say without hesitation But what I hate is that we are apart, so distant. Every day I love you a little bit more.  Every day I want you more and more.  Loving you with hopes you're on the other side loving me as much. #obismiles 

The Friendship Factor

On this episode of the podcast, I sat down with a dear friend of mine Debbie Ahonsi. I call her the friendship guru. She is a lover of friendship. She gives insights into how to gain and keep friends. You can listen via  Apple Podcast Listen Notes Spotify

Au revoir mon cher ami

I don't think you will ever fully understand How you've touched my life And how you've scared my heart with your awesomeness I don't think you will ever know how you've allowed me to experience something very rare It was blissful and am grateful I miss how we had fun Now we don't even say hello anymore; we're complete strangers Are we still friends or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot So tell me now, and tell me the truth As I think of our friendship I see that no matter the miles apart We're never apart in our hearts It's a tattoo scared in our sacred heart Embedded with stories for the unborn Saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do I never thought I would Especially not to you I knew I had to let you spread your wings and fly Still, the most difficult choice I'd made Au revoir mon cher ami 💔 -Ayo Obi

It is raining

The ground is dry It's surface covered in dust This definitely must be a drought Why is the sun so hot Not what I want Who makes a channel for the torrents of rain? Who makes rain fall on dry ground? Who sends rain to satisfy the parched ground  And make the withered plants spring up? Does the rain have a father? Who gives birth to the dews? Can you shout to the clouds And make it rain? Ask the Lord for rain in the spring  He makes the storm clouds And He will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture. You drenched the plowed ground with rain Melting the clods and leveling the ridges You soften the earth with showers  And bless its abundant crops. I lift my hands to you in prayer Lord I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain When the king smiles, there is life His favor refreshes like a spring rain When clouds are heavy The rai...

It begins with you

We are losing what it means to be civilized  We are losing respect for lives other than our own We are in trouble  And only a deep collective reckoning can bring us back from the brink Everybody wants a leader, a savior, a solution  But there isn’t one It’s not one thing-it’s everything Every day acts of goodwill and consciousness are what’s needed to restore our collective broken soul Daily we are saturated in negativity  But it takes only one candle to light a whole room of darkness  People think, oh, I have no power to change the world But we are the world, through our families, our work, our communities  And how you treat everyone in your world has an impact on the microcosm Don’t underestimate your power. Hate is potent, but so is kindness  And goodness, and grace  Use yours generously  Let’s be more discerning about what’s really happening to our country Get woke to how you can be an agen...