Au revoir mon cher ami

I don't think you will ever fully understand How you've touched my life And how you've scared my heart with your awesomeness I don't think you will ever know how you've allowed me to experience something very rare It was blissful and am grateful I miss how we had fun Now we don't even say hello anymore; we're complete strangers Are we still friends or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot So tell me now, and tell me the truth As I think of our friendship I see that no matter the miles apart We're never apart in our hearts It's a tattoo scared in our sacred heart Embedded with stories for the unborn Saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do I never thought I would Especially not to you I knew I had to let you spread your wings and fly Still, the most difficult choice I'd made Au revoir mon cher ami 💔 -Ayo Obi