It begins with you

We are losing what it means to be civilized We are losing respect for lives other than our own We are in trouble And only a deep collective reckoning can bring us back from the brink Everybody wants a leader, a savior, a solution But there isn’t one It’s not one thing-it’s everything Every day acts of goodwill and consciousness are what’s needed to restore our collective broken soul Daily we are saturated in negativity But it takes only one candle to light a whole room of darkness People think, oh, I have no power to change the world But we are the world, through our families, our work, our communities And how you treat everyone in your world has an impact on the microcosm Don’t underestimate your power. Hate is potent, but so is kindness And goodness, and grace Use yours generously Let’s be more discerning about what’s really happening to our country Get woke to how you can be an agen...